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Calvary Chapel
100% of your contribution goes straight to supporting our church
Donating to Calvary Chapel of Hammonton supports a community dedicated to bringing honor and glory to God through various ministries and outreach programs. Your contributions help fund:
Community Outreach: Programs that provide support and assistance to those in need within the local community.
Youth and Children's Ministries: Activities and educational programs that nurture the spiritual growth of young members.
Missionary Work: Efforts to spread the message of faith and provide aid to communities around the world.
Church Maintenance and Development: Ensuring the church facilities are well-maintained and can continue to serve as a place of worship and community gathering.
3rd party allows you to contribute in multiple ways (e.g., Crypto, PayPal, Stocks, Apple Pay, etc...)
100% of your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by US law. Your donation is made to, a tax-exempt US 501(c)(3) charity that grants unrestricted funds to Calvary Chapel Of Hammonton on your behalf. As a legal matter, must provide any donations to Calvary Chapel Of Hammonton on an unrestricted basis, regardless of any designations or restrictions made by you. See Terms.
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